更新日誌 Release notes
v2024.40 - 2024.12.30
- 修復部分用家遇到的問題:打開搜尋時會崩潰,或打開搜尋較慢,現在改為永遠秒速打開!
- 地點類別:現在可以關閉某個打開的子分類了,通過長按子分類tab
- 其它錯誤修復和界面細節改善
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Fix issues encountered by some users: Search would crash or open slowly. Now, search opens instantly every time!
- Place category: You can now close an open subcategory by long-pressing the subcategory tab
- Other bug fixes and UI enhancements
- Update bus route information
v2024.39 - 2024.12.13
- 改善動態島的顯示,當兩個app共同佔用動態島時,每一個的空間有限,為避免文字太長字體被自動縮小,巴士到站時間會顯示為如「5′」(右上角一個prime symbol,表示分鐘),到達提醒的目的地距離會省略單位米
- 修復錯誤
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Improved the display of the Dynamic Island. When two apps share the Dynamic Island, space for each is limited. To prevent overly long text from causing the font to shrink automatically, the bus arrival time will be shown as "5′" (with a prime symbol in the upper right corner to indicate minutes). The distance to the destination for arrival reminders will omit the "meters" unit.
- Fixed bugs.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.38 - 2024.11.23
- 對於九巴和綠色專線小巴的特別班次,會特別標示出來。在路線頁面,點擊卡片右上角三個點的更多按鈕,查看當前路線是否為特別班次。
- 修復個別巴士站名稱顯示錯誤的問題
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Special trips for KMB and Green Minibus routes are now clearly marked. On the route page, tap the three-dot menu in the top-right corner of the sheet to check if the current route is a special departure.
- Fixed an issue where some bus stop names were displayed incorrectly.
- Updated bus route information.
v2024.37 - 2024.11.11
- 新增深圳地鐵線路圖
- 支援iOS 18新增的33個地點類別
- 修復錯誤
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Added Shenzhen Metro map
- Added support for 33 new place categories in iOS 18
- Bug fixes
- Updated bus route information
v2024.36 - 2024.11.6
Bug fixes.
v2024.35 - 2024.11.5
- 地點搜尋界面,未輸入關鍵詞時顯示的第二個部分「搜尋紀錄」,現在會按添加的時間順序列出所有地點,除去已經在第一部分「我的地點」中置頂的。
- 其它細節優化和錯誤修復。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
Added search for bus stops. You can search without a network connection and use either Chinese or English, regardless of the interface language, with ultra-fast results!
Singapore bus stops can be searched by stop number, with a fixed row of number keys added at the top of the keyboard for easier input.
Added search for My Places.
After entering a keyword, results for My Places, bus stops, and location suggestions (internet required) will be displayed simultaneously.
Other updates:
- In the place search interface, if no keyword is entered, the second section, Recents, now displays all places in the order they were added, excluding those already pinned in the first section, My Places.
- Other minor optimizations and bug fixes.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.34 - 2024.10.28
支援深層連結(Deep Link)
- 打開巴士 thisistheplace://bus
- 打開天氣 thisistheplace://weather
- 打開港鐵路線圖 thisistheplace://mtrRouteMap
- 打開新加坡地鐵路線圖 thisistheplace://sgMrtMap
- 打開搜尋 thisistheplace://search
Add bus route search history.
Add searches for Taiwanese snacks: Gua Bao, Oyster Omelette, and Rice Bowl Cake. Only available when the starting point is set in Taiwan.
Support for deep links
- Open Bus: thisistheplace://bus
- Open Weather: thisistheplace://weather
- Open MTR Route Map: thisistheplace://mtrRouteMap
- Open Singapore MRT Map: thisistheplace://sgMrtMap
- Open Search: thisistheplace://search
Updated bus route information.
v2024.33 - 2024.10.1
- 修復Apple Watch上即時動態字體大小
- 修復錯誤,改善性能,減小app體積
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Fixed Live Activity font size on Apple Watch
- Bug fixes, performance improvements, and reduced app size
- Updated bus route information
v2024.32 - 2024.9.26
- 修復桌面設為染色時小工具空白的問題
- 在Apple Watch的Smart Stack顯示即時動態,持續追蹤巴士到站時間、下車站/目的地距離、出發時間倒數,並且可以一鍵關閉追蹤(iOS 18和watchOS 11後適用)
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Fixed blank widgets on the tinted Home Screen.
- Display Live Activities in the Smart Stack on Apple Watch, continuously tracking bus arrival times, distance to get-off stops/destinations, and time remaining until alarm time for departure, with a button to stop tracking (available on iOS 18 and watchOS 11).
- Updated bus route information.
v2024.31 - 2024.9.20
- Bug fixes
- Updated bus route information
v2024.30 - 2024.9.19
- Minor optimizations
- Updated bus route information
v2024.29 - 2024.9.17
(和之前一樣,只是嘗試更新看能否解決App Store顯示錯誤圖標的問題,以及更新了巴士資料。)
針對iOS 18的更新:
支持iOS 18 桌面深色/染色圖標
Apple地圖地點詳情:iOS 18可以保存地點ID,效果就是點擊地點卡片的蘋果地圖按鈕可以跳到詳情頁面(包含評分、營業時間、圖片),對於收藏的地點也是,但以前收藏過的地點是沒有地點ID,所以沒有這個選項,但一旦你再搜尋一次同一個地點,或點擊地圖上本身的興趣點再打開一次,就會自動獲取地點ID並保存。(iOS 18也不是所有地點都有返回地點ID,沒有地點ID的要通過點擊「更多」菜單跳過去蘋果地圖,也沒有詳細資料可看。當然Google Maps的評分更多,一鍵跳過去繼續用)
- 到站時間小工具:iOS 18的桌面圖標長按,可以轉化為各種大小的小工具 ,本來app的「多個收藏站點」的小工具不支持最小的大小,此版本改為支持,為了同時兼容舊的只顯示一個巴士站的小工具,所以現在app有兩個看起來一樣的小型小工具,但排前面那個可以長按轉換大小,後面那個不行
- 動態島/鎖屏追巴士:iOS 18動態島和鎖定屏幕上的即時活動有限制更新頻率,不能持續不停的更新,app相應優化,合併到站時間和巴士站距離的更新,以將此限制的影響減到最小,並同時省電
- 現在可以直接在左上角菜單打開關閉「顯示路況」,適用於「標準」和「混合」的地圖類型
- 細節優化和錯誤修復
- 更新巴士路線資料
Updates for iOS 18:
iOS 18 Dark and Tinted Home Screen Icons
Apple Maps Place Details: In iOS 18, place IDs can now be saved, allowing users to tap the Apple Maps button on a place card to view a detailed page (including ratings, hours of operation, and photos). This applies to favorite places as well. However, previously saved places don’t have place IDs, so this option isn’t available. But if you search for the same location again or reopen the point of interest from the map, it will automatically retrieve and save the place ID. (Not all locations in iOS 18 return a place ID. If there’s no place ID, you’ll need to use the More menu to open Apple Maps without detailed information. Of course, Google Maps still provides more ratings, and you can jump to it with one tap.)
Tracking Hong Kong/Singapore Buses
- In iOS 18, Home Screen icons can be long-pressed and converted into widgets of various sizes. Previously, the app’s widget for multiple saved stops didn’t support the smallest size. This version now adds support for it. To maintain compatibility with the old widget that shows only one bus stop, the app now has two small widgets with the same appearance, but the first one can be long-pressed to change its size, while the second one cannot.
- iOS 18 limits the refresh frequency for Live Activities on the Dynamic Island and Lock Screen, preventing continuous updates. The app has been optimized accordingly by merging updates for arrival times and bus stop distances to minimize the impact of this limitation and conserve battery life.
- You can now toggle Show Traffic directly from the top-left menu, applicable to both the Standard and Hybrid map types.
- Optimizations and bug fixes
- Updated bus route information
v2024.28 - 2024.9.16
(和之前一樣,只是重新上傳嘗試更新看能否解決App Store顯示錯誤圖標的問題,實際不行)
v2024.27 - 2024.9.16
- 支持iOS 18
- 細節優化和錯誤修復
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Added support for iOS 18
- Optimizations and bug fixes
- Updated bus route information
v2024.26 - 2024.9.6
The bus routes can now switch directions, and joint KMB/Citybus routes are now recognizable. The cool animations and haptic feedback are something you really have to experience for yourself! (Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the route card to open).
- Minor optimizations and bug fixes
- Updated bus route information
v2024.25 - 2024.8.29
- 「學前教育」分類強化:應該幾乎可以搜到附近所有幼稚園
- 修復錯誤
- 更新巴士路線資料
- The “Early Childhood Education” category has been improved: It should now find almost all nearby kindergartens.
- Bug fixes.
- Updated bus route information
v2024.24 - 2024.8.27
- 更新香港地點離線數據(圖書館、戲院、廁所、兒童遊戲室)
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Updated offline location data for Hong Kong (libraries, cinemas, toilets, children's playrooms)
- Updated bus route information
v2024.23 - 2024.8.24
- 新的巴士界面設計:更快速和省電,一開始只顯示附近的巴士站,只有等到你點擊「直達目的地」,才會加載所有不用轉車能到達的地方。(你可以在設定界面選擇是否「預先加載直達目的地」,如果啓用,就和以前一樣的效果)。且現在除了可以在地圖中找到直達目的地,還可以在列表中瀏覽。
- 增加打開和關閉卡片的動畫
- 新的地點搜尋界面,未搜尋時,會顯示8個收藏地點中手動排前面的(這裏一般是你的家、公司等最常用地點),第二部分是搜尋紀錄,會列出最近添加的,包括收藏和未收藏的地點。你可以點擊右上角編輯,來重新排序常用地點,或在「我的地點」界面中,將一個地點「移到最頂」(通過列表中長按地點出現的菜單,或打開地點卡片,點擊右上角的星按鈕出現的菜單)
- 天氣模式中,打開一個城市的天氣預報,可以點擊翻到卡片背面,以查看地點詳情或添加備註。(翻面有震動手感!普通地點卡片,按「天氣」也會同樣翻到背面看天氣和當地時間。)
- 香港天氣可更改來源(僅限訂閲用户),默認依然是「香港天文台」
- 當前位置的天氣界面, 地區名稱前面會有一個指針
- 新增打開「起點」卡片,方便保存起點(比如保存當前位置)
- 路線界面,會顯示起點和終點之間的直線距離。
- 縮小app體積
- 其它優化和錯誤修復
- 更新巴士路線資料
- New Bus Interface Design: Faster and more power-efficient. Initially, only nearby bus stops are displayed, and all locations that can be reached without transfers will only be loaded when you tap "Direct Destinations." (You can choose whether to "Preload Direct Destinations" in the settings. If enabled, it works as it did before.) In addition to finding direct destinations on the map, you can now also browse them in a list.
- Added card opening and closing animations.
- New Place Search Interface: When no search is active, the top 8 favorite places are displayed. These typically include your frequently used places, like home or office. The second section shows recent items, listing recently added places, both favorited and non-favorited. You can tap the edit button in the top right corner to reorder your places, or in "My Places" mode, move a place to the top by using the menu that appears when you long-press a place in the list or by tapping the star button in the top right corner of the place card.
- In Weather Mode, when viewing the weather forecast for a city, you can tap a button to flip the card and view location details or add notes. (Flipping provides haptic feedback! For regular place cards, tapping "Weather" will also flip the card to show the weather and local time.)
- The Hong Kong weather source can be changed (subscription users only), with the default remaining the Hong Kong Observatory.
- Current location's weather interface: A pointer will appear before the region name.
- Added Starting Point card: This allows you to save a starting point (e.g., save your current location).
- Directions Interface: Displays the straight-line distance between the start and end points.
- Reduced app size.
- Other optimizations and bug fixes.
- Updated bus route information.
v2024.22 - 2024.8.6
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated bus route information.
v2024.21 - 2024.8.5
- 天氣模式:地圖上的地點標記顯示天氣狀況(僅打開過的地點)
- 問題修復和完善
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Weather mode: Place markers on the map will show weather conditions (for previously opened locations only)
- Bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated bus route information.
v2024.20 - 2024.8.2
Bug fixes and improvements.
v2024.19 - 2024.8.1
- 巴士時間獲取更厲害:會緩存時間,沒有網絡時用緩存的時間(會繼續倒數),等到有網絡連接之後自動刷新時間,使用更少的網絡流量,性能更好
- 新增外部app導航:Waze、Uber(以傳遞過去的起點和終點叫車)、Citymapper、Moovit、百度地圖、
- 分類地點,中國大陸版地圖:新增眾多地點類別和子類別
- 更新橫屏和iPad界面:工具欄位置,及卡片又可以停留在中間了(如果空間足夠)
- 完善外部平台搜索:原本沒有傳遞地區過去的,現在全部有傳了,可以更精準的找到
- 更新右上角的天氣外觀
- 其它問題修復和完善
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Improved bus time retrieval: Times are now cached and will be used when offline (with continuous countdown). Once the connection is restored, the times will automatically refresh, using less data and improving performance.
- Added external app navigation: Waze, Uber (with pick-up and drop-off locations passed over for ride-hailing), Citymapper, Moovit, and Baidu Maps.
- Categorized places, China Mainland map version: Added numerous categories and subcategories.
- Updated landscape and iPad interface: Adjusted bar positions, and the card can stay in the middle again (if there is enough space).
- Enhanced external platform search: Previously, some external platforms didn't pass regions. Now, they all do for more accurate results.
- Updated the look of the weather in the top right corner.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
- Updated bus route information.
v2024.18 - 2024.7.22
- Optimized the place card page.
v2024.17 - 2024.7.20
- 眾多新地點類別和子類別。
- 錯誤修復和細節改進。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- Added many more place categories and subcategories.
- Bug fixes and various tweaks and refinements.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.16 - 2024.7.12
我做了一個分類地點功能,按照你選定的類別,列出附近兩公里內的地點。眾多不同種類的地點,包括:餐廳、雜貨店、公園、兒童遊樂場、博物館、電影院、圖書館、體育場地、各種類別的商店、廁所、停車場、加油站、充電站、銀行、自動櫃員機、藥店、醫院等等超過48個類別。我又花了大量的時間,研究餐廳的菜式,於是「就是這裏」的餐廳類別可以按照80多種菜式進行選擇(不同地區顯示的可供選擇的菜式會有不同)。其中的難點在於每種菜式的搜索結果我都要嘗試,找出適合的關鍵詞,在多個地區是真正有結果,並且相關的。你可以縮小起點半徑,也可以在多個菜式之間切換,瀏覽提供不同菜式的餐廳。選中一間餐廳後,可以點擊「評價」菜單,跳到Google Maps或「大眾點評」看評價,有興趣的餐廳可以收藏備選,之後切換到「我的地點」模式,只看收藏的地點。
I have created a categorized places feature that displays locations within a 2-kilometer radius based on the category you select. There are numerous types of places, including restaurants, grocery stores, parks, playgrounds, museums, cinemas, libraries, sports facilities, various types of shops, restrooms, parking lots, gas stations, charging stations, banks, ATMs, pharmacies, hospitals, and more, totaling over 48 categories. I have also invested significant time in researching restaurant cuisines, so the THIS IS THE PLACE app's restaurant category can be filtered by over 80 different cuisines and dishes (availability varies by region). The challenge was to try out the search results for each cuisine, find the appropriate keywords, and ensure relevant results across multiple regions. You can narrow the search radius or switch between selected cuisines to browse restaurants. After selecting a restaurant, you can open the Reviews menu to jump to Google Maps for reviews. You can bookmark interesting restaurants and switch to "My Places" mode to view only your bookmarked places.
The "My Places" feature has enhanced filtering capabilities. In addition to adjusting the search radius, you can set more criteria such as place category, keywords, presence of notes, and inclusion in the Food & Beverage category (encompassing restaurants, cafes, bakeries, food markets, and nightlife).
The search function has also been improved. Now, tapping the Search key on the keyboard will immediately open the first autocomplete keyword suggestion. A new option has been added to limit the search to places within 2 kilometers of the "Starting Point," activated through the second autocomplete suggestion. If you change the starting point, the search results will update accordingly (as opposed to the "Nearby" search results, which are based on your current location and not the manually adjustable starting point). Additionally, tapping an autocomplete suggestion with multiple matching places will display all these locations on the map.
There are various other optimizations and updated bus route information.
I haven't seen such a convenient yellow page feature before. Hope you enjoy exploring it!
v2024.15 - 2024.6.25
Updated bus route data.
v2024.14 - 2024.5.27
Updated bus route data.
v2024.13 - 2024.5.9
Improved the keyboard for route search. Added an additional row of numeric keys on top, while keeping the bottom row fixed as letter keys, making it easier to input bus route numbers.
v2024.12 - 2024.5.6
- 新增:巴士路線頁面,將站與站之間進行連線
- 優化:巴士路線頁面,點擊一個站後,更加流暢的動畫,如果到站時間獲取慢的話,會有加載動畫
- 錯誤修復和細節改進
- 更新巴士路線資料
- New: Added connecting lines between stops on the bus route page.
- Improved: Enhanced animations when tapping on a stop on the bus route page, with a loading animation displayed if there is a delay in retrieving arrival time information.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.11 - 2024.4.30
- 香港巴士顯示車資。一眼識別雙向分段收費:顯示至下一站價格,和至最終站價格。
- 香港巴士顯示路線全程時間。
- 香港巴士路線頁面,右上角資訊按鈕現在會打開官方資料網頁。
- 錯誤修復和細節改進
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 更新香港分類地點資料
- Display Hong Kong bus fares. Easily identify two-way sectional fares: shows the price to the next stop, and the price to the final stop.
- Display the total journey time for Hong Kong bus routes.
- On the Hong Kong bus route page, the information button in the top right now opens the official information webpage.
- Bug fixes and minor improvements.
- Updated bus route data.
- Updated Hong Kong Places data.
v2024.10 - 2024.3.22
- 修復從搜尋結果打開路線的時候,沒有選中距離最近的站的問題。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- Fixed the issue where the nearest stop was not selected when opening a route from search results.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.9 - 2024.3.18
v2024.8 - 2024.3.15
v2024.7 - 2024.3.12
- 打開地點功能定形!無論從何種位置打開地點,都會在當前模式打開,而非以前跳去「我的地點」再打開。搜尋地點的界面也固定,不再因爲不同模式而預設按下去有不同操作——全部在地圖上打開該地點,或者按列表右邊的兩個按鈕,來設爲起點或終點。其它打開地點的方式,包括設定了到達提醒後,從頂部藍色的狀態條,或通知中心打開地點,或者在地圖上長按。在當前模式打開地點的好處是,可以直接在地圖上比較不同的標記位置,進行操作。
- 修復某些情況下地點列表加載不出來的問題。
- 修復了地圖上顯示的標記,保存後,地名有時候會自動變化的問題。原因是一開始因爲網絡問題無法獲取到詳細地點信息,打開地點時會聰明的再次獲取地點信息,但獲取到之後,連地名都被覆蓋了。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- The place opening functionality is now refined! No mater where you open a place from, it will open in the current mode instead of switching to the My Places mode as before. The search interface for places is also standardized, eliminating different default actions based on different modes. Now, all places are opened on the map, and there are two buttons on the right side of the list to set them as the starting or ending point. Other ways to open a place include using the blue status bar at the top or opening it from the notification center after setting an arrival alert, as well as long-pressing on the map. Opening places in the current mode allows for direct comparison of different marker positions on the map and performing actions.
- Fixed an issue where the place list failed to load in certain situations.
- Fixed the issue where the displayed markers on the map could automatically change the name after saving. Initially, due to network issues, detailed place information couldn't be retrieved. When opening a place, it would intelligently retrieve the information again. However, after retrieval, the place name was overwritten. This issue has been resolved.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.6 - 2024.3.5
- Minor bug fixes.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.5 - 2024.2.28
- 終於可以長按地圖任何位置來創建地點!以前只能搜索,或者點擊地圖上的標記,但是對於地圖上沒有標記出來的位置,也搜索不到的,是沒有辦法收藏的,現在長按那個地點就可以。將那個地點設爲起點或終點,設定到達提示等功能也是非常方便。(以前長按是立即設爲起點。)
- 對於本app暫未提供巴士資訊的地區(即香港和新加坡之外的地區),在前往界面,按關閉按鈕,會返回之前的地點模式,而不是打開一個不支持巴士資訊的界面。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- Finally, you can now create a place by long-pressing anywhere on the map! Previously, you could only search or tap on map markers. However, for places not marked on the map or that couldn't be searched, it was not possible to bookmark them. Now, by long-pressing a location on the map, you can easily save it, set it as a starting or ending point, and access features like arrival alerts. (Previously, long-pressing immediately set it as the starting point.)
- In the Directions interface, for areas where bus information is not currently available in the app (i.e., areas outside of Hong Kong and Singapore), tapping the Close button will return to the previous place mode instead of opening an unsupported bus information screen.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.4 - 2024.2.19
- 打開一個地點後,可以查詢那裏的天氣和時區了。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- After opening a place, you can now check the weather and time zone there.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.3 - 2024.2.10
v2024.2 - 2024.2.5
- 巴士模式下,重新啓動app後,也會記住上次搜尋的範圍(巴士路線編號或目的地)。
- 對於日本的地點,探索(外部搜尋)菜單增加Tabelog(食べログ)的選項。
- 部分界面(主要是天氣部分)支持日文
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- In bus mode, the app will now remember the last searched scope (bus route number or destination) even after restarting the app.
- For locations in Japan, the Explore (external search) menu now includes the option for Tabelog (食べログ).
- Some interfaces (mainly the weather section) now support Japanese.
- Updated bus route data.
v2024.1 - 2024.1.22
舉例,如果你的Siri是粵語,你可以跟Siri說「同朕check下到站時間」,或「check到站時間」,或「check巴士」。中文也可以說:「查詢到站時間」或「查詢巴士」。英語:「check bus times」。(更新之後什麼也不用做就有以上功能)
- 追蹤到站時間,在鎖屏和動態島持續顯示。
- 一次性查詢到站時間,也可以叫Siri回答。
- 一次顯示多個站的到站時間。
Happy New Year, everyone! This update brings Shortcuts feature and Siri support!
There are three shortcuts:
- Track bus arrival times, displayed continuously on the Lock Screen and Dynamic Island.
- Check bus arrival times, which can also be answered by Siri.
- Display arrival times for multiple stops at once.
You can add them in the Shortcuts app or ask Siri to perform. All of these can be executed without opening the app. The Shortcuts app also includes an automation feature where you can set certain conditions to trigger specific shortcuts. We look forward to seeing what creative uses you come up with.
The app also includes several pre-set shortcuts that you don't have to do anything to have. For example, you can say to Siri, "Track bus times" and it will prompt you to select your favorite stops. Then you can see the arrival times on the Lock Screen and Dynamic Island. (The pre-set shortcuts require the app name to be included. You can replace "This Is The Place" with "Bus times" or "Bus" or "The Place", which are alternative names for this app.)
These features are available exclusively for subscription users. Thank you for your support.
This update also includes updated bus route data.
v2023.39 - 2023.12.27
- 顯示「我的地點」數目。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- 修復iOS 14界面錯誤。
- 其它錯誤修復。
Add medium and large sized widgets that can display arrival times for multiple bus routes at once.
- Display the number of "My Places".
- Updated bus route data.
- Fixed UI error for iOS 14.
- Other bug fixes.
v2023.38 - 2023.12.18
- Updated bus route data.
- Bug fixes.
v2023.37 - 2023.12.17
▶ 環視四周(街景模式)
▶ 支持點擊地圖興趣點 (POI)
▶ 其它更新
- 巴士到站時間Widget:可設定是否「總是顯示備註」(以前只有沒有到站時間的時候才會顯示備註)。(低於iOS 17的系統,長按widget,進入編輯後如果沒有看到這個設定,請刪除widget重新添加。)
- 「我的地點」新增地點排序方式:手動、距離、添加日期、名稱。搜尋界面的地點永遠是手動排列的順序,所以你可以將家或公司排到最上面,在這裏快速訪問。
- 「我的地點」新增一鍵清除搜尋紀錄的功能。
- 新增一個app圖標選擇。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- 更新香港分類地點資料。
- 界面優化,振動反饋優化,地圖dark mode優化,錯誤修復。
In this version, This Is The Place has evolved into a true map app.
LOOK AROUND (Street View Mode)
Before embarking on your journey, take a virtual tour of the surroundings of a bus stop or a specific location.
The app feels more intuitive than ever. Now, all the markers you see on the map, such as restaurants, shops, parks, and schools, are tappable! By tapping to select a marker, you can view a place card and perform various actions related to that place, such as seamlessly accessing different platforms to check reviews, get directions, save places, and take notes.
- Bus Arrival Time Widget: You can now choose whether to Always Show Remarks (previously, remarks were only displayed when there were no arrival times). (For systems below iOS 17, long-press the widget, enter edit mode, and if you don't see this setting, please delete the widget and add it again.)
- My Places sorting options: Manual, Distance, Date Added, Name. The places on the search page are always manually arranged, allowing you to quickly access your home or workplace by placing them at the top.
- My Places now includes a one-tap feature to clear search history.
- Added a new app icon option.
- Updated bus route data.
- Updated Hong Kong places data.
- User interface optimization, improved haptic feedback, enhanced dark mode for maps, bug fixes.
Unrestricted to a single platform, This Is The Place is your tool to explore the world.
v2023.36 - 2023.11.28
- 新增外部搜尋功能:快速跳轉到Google Maps、OpenRice、大衆點評、Tripadvisor、Yelp、Foursquare、高德地圖、小紅書、臺灣的愛食記等各大平臺看其它用户的評價。(有些需要你本身有安裝相應的app)
- 地址等各種資訊可以長按複製。
- 更進一步實現了功能目標:成爲一個旅行app,旅行之前做攻略,做筆記。在本地集中你對所有地方的筆記,無需聯網,快速訪問,而非分散到各個平臺。
- 增強的路線查找功能,會自動增加步行距離的限制直至找到路線爲止,用户可更改此選項。
- 快速選擇一個適合的地圖app一鍵導航,包括Apple Maps, Google Maps和高德地圖。
- 修復查找路線的時候不包含港鐵巴士的問題。
- 左上角導航菜單:增加快速切換四種地圖類型。
- 增加快速訪問按鈕:一鍵切換回上次打開的地點模式。
- 按右上角的天氣資訊打開當前天氣頁面,看更詳細的天氣預報。
My Places
- Added external search: Quickly jump to platforms such as Google Maps, OpenRice, Dianping, Tripadvisor, Yelp, Foursquare, Gaode Maps, Xiaohongshu, and Taiwan's ifoodie to read ratings and reviews from other users. (Some platforms require the corresponding app to be installed.)
- Various information such as addresses can be copied by long-pressing.
- Further achieved the goal of becoming a travel app, allowing users to plan and take notes before traveling. Centralize your notes for all places locally, without the need for an internet connection, for quick access instead of being scattered across different platforms.
- Enhanced route search feature that automatically increases the walking distance limit until a route is found. Users can customize this option.
- Quick selection of a suitable map app for one-tap navigation, including Apple Maps, Google Maps, and Gaode Maps.
- Fixed the issue of not including MTR Bus routes when searching for directions.
Top Bar
- Navigation menu in the top left corner: Added quick switching between four map types.
- Added quick access button: Instantly resume your last viewed place mode with a single tap.
- Tap the weather information in the top right corner to open the detailed weather forecast page.
Updated bus route data.
More details have been redesigned and refined. Comprehensive enhancement.
v2023.35 - 2023.11.13
- 可以對地點添加備註。未收藏的地點添加備註後,自動收藏。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- 各種內部改進。
- It is now possible to add notes to place. When a place that is not already favorited receives a note, it will be automatically favorited.
- Updated bus route data.
- Various internal improvements.
v2023.34 - 2023.11.10
- 完善地點功能:打開搜尋的地點不再創建重複的地點,當用户在香港搜尋大陸地點時,在地圖上顯示正確的位置,及其它內部改進。
- 完善地圖:剛開app時的地圖範圍爲上次退出app時的範圍。
- Enhanced Place functionality: This update prevents the creation of duplicate entries when opening a place from the search results. Additionally, when users search for mainland China places in Hong Kong, the app will display the correct positions on the map. Various internal improvements have also been made.
- Improved Map experience: Upon opening the app, the map will now default to the previous range viewed before exiting the app.
v2023.33 - 2023.11.8
- 修復有時候巴士數據等待很久都不加載的問題,及有時候按搜尋按鈕會崩潰的問題。
- 地點介面增加顯示最近搜尋的地點在地圖上,用户可對列表中的地點進行排序,選擇一個地點可進行修改收藏狀態、刪除、改名等操作。
- 修復用户在中國大陸時,一些香港和新加坡的巴士站顯示位置偏移的問題。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- Fixed an issue where bus data sometimes took a long time to load and an issue where tapping the search button would cause the app to crash.
- Places screen now includes displaying recently searched places on the map. Users can sort places in the list and select a place to perform actions such as modifying the favorite status, deleting, or renaming.
- Fixed an issue where some bus stops in Hong Kong and Singapore would display with an offset when users were in mainland China.
- Updated bus route data.
v2023.32 - 2023.10.28
- 修復當用户身處中國大陸時,收藏的地點在地圖上顯示位置偏移的問題。如果仍然出現偏移,請嘗試刪除這個地點再重新添加。
- 修復當用户身處中國大陸時,重新開app後,地圖上的起點標記位置偏移的問題。
- 現在搜尋記錄和搜尋結果的地點也可以在地圖上顯示了。
- 搜尋界面:增加在地圖上顯示地點的預設動作。
- 香港巴士和新加坡巴士,前往界面:顯示不同的路線數目,同一條路線如果有多個上車站或下車站,也算作一條路線。
- Fixed an issue where favorite places appeared with an offset on the map when users were in mainland China. If the offset issue persists, please try deleting the place and adding it again.
- Fixed an issue where the starting point marker on the map would be offset upon reopening the app when users were in mainland China.
- Now, places of search history and search results can also be shown on the map.
- Search page: Added a default action to show a place on the map.
- Hong Kong Buses and Singapore Buses, Directions page: Display the number of distinct routes, considering multiple boarding or alighting points on the same route as one route.
v2023.31 - 2023.10.25
- 新功能:追車模式。在鎖屏和動態島的即時動態顯示:下一班車多少分鐘後到站,你距離車站多遠。(進階版功能)
- 修復香港巴士某些站的即時動態不顯示的問題。
- 修復新加坡巴士的即時動態不顯示的問題。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- New feature: Rush Mode. View minutes till the bus and your distance to the stop on Live Activities of the lock screen and Dynamic Island. (Premium feature)
- Fixed an issue where Live Activities for certain bus stops in Hong Kong were not being displayed.
- Fixed an issue where Live Activities for buses in Singapore were not being displayed.
- Updated bus route data.
v2023.30 - 2023.10.21
- Fixed the issue of occasionally displaying incorrect arrival times for certain Citybus stops.
v2023.29 - 2023.10.19
- 搜尋地點的時候,可直接在搜尋結果中按每個地點右邊的三個點按鈕來設定到達提醒。
- 當用户初次使用app,所在位置非香港或新加坡的時候,預設打開模式爲「收藏的地點」,否則爲「巴士」,因爲對非香港新加坡用户來說,這個功能更有用。
- 修復到達提醒的Live Activity(即時動態)上的停止按鈕按了無反應的問題。
- 更新「收藏的地點」頁面無內容時的畫面。
- When searching for a place, you can now set arrival alerts by tapping on the three-dot button next to each place in the search results.
- For users who are not located in Hong Kong or Singapore when using the app for the first time, the default mode will be set to Favorite Places (otherwise the default mode will be Bus), as this mode is more useful for users outside of Hong Kong and Singapore.
- Fixed the issue where the stop button on the Live Activity for arrival alerts was unresponsive.
- Updated the interface for the Favorite Places page when it is empty.
v2023.28 - 2023.10.18
- 新功能:在地圖上顯示「收藏的地點」,從左上角菜單進入。每個地點的動作:搜尋附近的其它地點類別,查詢前往此處的路線(僅限香港和新加坡),和設定到達提示。
- 設定到達提示後,點擊app內頂部的目的地距離banner,鎖屏或動態島的目的地距離Live Activity(即時動態),或收到的通知,會在地圖上顯示目的地位置。
- 現在可收藏世界任何地點,及獲取一定範圍內收藏的地點,預設是起點爲中心半徑50公里。
- 請繼續在搜尋界面對收藏的地點進行排序、改名,結果也會反映到「收藏的地點」模式的列表和地圖中。
- New feature: Display Favorite Places on the map, accessible via the menu in the top left corner. Actions available for each place include searching for nearby places of interest, getting directions (limited to Hong Kong and Singapore), and setting arrival alerts.
- Improved Arrival Alerts: You can now easily access the destination by tapping on the destination distance banner at the top of the app, destination distance Live Activities on the Lock Screen or Dynamic Island, or through received notifications. The destination will be displayed on the map.
- You can now favorite any places in the world and retrieve favorite places within a certain range, with the default being a 50-kilometer radius centered around the starting point.
- Please continue to sort and rename favorite places in the search page, as the changes will also be reflected in the list and map of the Favorite Places mode.
v2023.27 - 2023.10.15
- 新功能:搜尋界面的地點列表(收藏和搜尋紀錄)中,每個地點都可以設定到達之前收到提醒,通過點按右邊三個點的按鈕。
- 新增到達之前200米收到提醒的選項。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- New: In the place list of the search page (favorites and search history), each location can now be set to receive a reminder before arrival by tapping the three dots button on the right.
- Added an option to receive a reminder 200 meters before reaching the destination.
- Update to the latest bus route data.
v2023.26 - 2023.9.25
- 新增出發提醒「即時動態 (Live Activity)」:在動態島和鎖定畫面看距離你設定的出發時間還有多少分鐘
- 新增下車提示「即時動態 (Live Activity)」:乘車過程中,在動態島和鎖定畫面看距離目的地多少米
- 優化距離的顯示格式
- 修復在地點列表中,向下滾動後,設某地爲終點,卻錯誤的設爲起點的問題
- 修復了當身處深圳距離香港比較近的地方,選香港巴士,起點不變到香港,而是定位到當前位置的問題。
- 修復其它錯誤
- 更新巴士路線資料
從上個版本開始Widget已經支持iOS 17的「待機模式 (StandBy)」,當你的手機正在充電並且橫屏的時候,屏幕會進入待機模式,在這個介面中可以添加巴士到站時間的Widget。即時動態也支持在待機模式顯示。
- Added departure reminder Live Activity: See how many minutes are left until your scheduled departure time on the Dynamic Island and Lock Screen
- Added get off alert Live Activity: During the ride, see how many meters are left to the destination on the Dynamic Island and Lock Screen
The above Live Activities are automatically created when you set a reminder, with no additional steps required.
- Improved display format for distances
- Fixed the issue where if you scroll down in the place list and set a certain place as the destination, it would erroneously be set as the starting point
- Fixed the issue where, when you are in a location near Hong Kong in Shenzhen, selecting the Hong Kong Bus mode did not change the starting point to Hong Kong, but remained at your current location
- Other bug fixes
- Update to the latest bus route data
Starting from the last version, the widget now supports iOS 17's StandBy mode. When your phone is charging and in landscape mode, the screen will enter StandBy mode. In this interface, you can add a widget for bus arrival times. Live Activities also supports display in StandBy mode.
v2023.25 - 2023.9.14
- Support iOS 17
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2023.24 - 2023.9.4
- 修復香港天文台的天氣警告有時候不顯示的問題
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 修復錯誤
- Fixed the issue of weather warnings from the Hong Kong Observatory sometimes not being displayed.
- Updated bus route data.
- Bug fixes.
v2023.23 - 2023.8.31
- 改善搜尋介面的地點列表,只需輕按一下,立即將某個地點設爲起點或終點(顯示前往路線)。
- 更改前往路線的圖標
- 修復某些天氣圖標不顯示的問題
- 更新巴士路線數據
- 對於非訂閲用户:允許顯示個人化廣告
- Improve the place list in the search screen so that tapping on a place immediately sets it as origin or destination
- Change icon for directions button
- Fixed the issue where some weather icons were not displaying
- Updated bus route data
- For non-subscribed users: Allow personalized ads to be displayed
v2023.22 - 2023.8.19
- 天氣介面:非當前時區的城市會顯示當地時間
- 天氣介面:修復天氣警告重複顯示的問題
- 更新巴士路線數據
- Weather interface: Cities not in the current time zone will display local time
- Weather interface: Fixed the issue of duplicate weather alerts
- Updated bus route data
v2023.21 - 2023.8.14
- 現在你可以分享一個地點一定範圍內的「巴士網絡分析」
- 修復界面錯誤
- 更新巴士路線數據
- Added the ability to share the bus network analysis for a location with a certain radius.
- Fixed UI issues.
- Updated bus route data.
v2023.20 - 2023.8.9
- 巴士出發介面:顯示起點名稱,顯示開出的路線數目(一個路線編號,兩個方向,算作兩條路線)
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Bus departure page: Displays the name of the starting point, shows the number of routes departing (one route number, two directions, counts as two routes)
- Updated bus route data.
v2023.19 - 2023.8.3
Fix issues that the vast majority of people won't encounter.
v2023.18 - 2023.7.31
- 修復其它時區的城市白天黑夜判斷錯誤,導致頂部背景顯示錯誤的問題。
- 修復某種天氣狀況頂部不顯示天氣圖標的問題。
Weather function update:
- Fixed the issue of incorrect judgment of day and night in cities of other time zones, which caused the incorrect display of the top background.
- Fixed the issue where the weather icon did not display at the top under certain weather conditions.
And other bug fixes.
v2023.17 - 2023.7.28
- 新增附近廁所搜尋功能,適用:全世界
- 新增顯示所有香港公廁的功能
- 對於香港,新增港鐵路線圖、輕鐵路線圖、電車路線圖
- 對於新加坡,新增地鐵路線圖
- 新增香港圖書館地圖
- 新增香港公園及動植物公園地圖
- 新增康文署轄下的博物館地圖
- 新增兒童遊戲室地圖
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 更新地點資料
- 完善用户界面,修復錯誤
Please tap the button in the top left corner to open the following new features:
- Added nearby toilet search function, applicable worldwide
- Added display of all Hong Kong public toilets
- For Hong Kong, added MTR, light rail, and tram route maps
- For Singapore, added MRT route map
- Added Hong Kong library map
- Added Hong Kong Park, Zoo & Garden map
- Added museum map under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
- Added children's playroom map
In addition,
- Updated bus route information
- Updated place data
- Improved user interface and fixed bugs.
v2023.16 - 2023.7.1
- 更新城巴API,修復了原本屬於新巴的路線到站時間不顯示的問題。
- 更新戲院列表界面。
- Updated Citybus API and fixed the issue where the arrival time of routes that originally belonged to New World First Bus was not displayed.
- Updated cinema list interface.
v2023.15 - 2023.6.28
- Fixed the missing MTR Bus issue.
v2023.14 - 2023.6.27
- 巴士模式增加支持新地區:新加坡!每個地區有獨立的車站收藏和地點收藏,根據地圖上的起點位置自動顯示香港或新加坡的巴士資訊,不需要額外操作。
- 增加一個新加坡的App圖標
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 完善用户界面,改善性能,修復錯誤。
- Bus mode now supports a new region: Singapore! Each region has its own stop and location favorites, and bus information for Hong Kong or Singapore will be automatically displayed based on the starting point on the map, without any additional operation required.
- Added a new Singapore app icon.
- Updated bus route information.
- Improved user interface, performance, and fixed bugs.
v2023.13 - 2023.5.26
- 地圖角落增加顯示:我的位置天氣
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 修復錯誤
- Added display of "My Location Weather" in the corner of the map.
- Updated bus route data.
- Bug fixes.
v2023.12 - 2023.5.11
- 在巴士路線界面,一鍵查詢前往某個站的路線
- 在戲院界面,一鍵查詢前往這個戲院的路線
- 完善各種細節。
- On the bus route screen, you can now view directions to a specific stop with a single tap.
- On the cinema screen, you can now view directions to the cinema with just one tap.
- Various details have been improved.
v2023.11 - 2023.5.10
- 新增:點對點巴士直達路線查詢!查詢過程不需要網絡連接,當然到站時間必須要有聯網才能看到。
- 新增:收藏的地點!在搜尋界面,沒打任何字的時候可以看到收藏的地點,方便快速查閱前往這些地方的路線,或將這些地方設爲起點。
- 支持長按拖動來重新排序天氣列表和地點列表。
- Home Screen長按app icon後的快捷功能新增:搜尋。
- 完善各種細節。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- New: Point-to-point bus route search! You can now search for direct bus routes without an internet connection during the search process. However, you need to be connected to the internet to see the arrival time.
- New: Favorite Places! On the search screen, you can now see your favorite places when no keyword is typed, making it convenient to quickly get the directions to these places or set them as your starting point.
- Supports long-press and drag to reorder the weather and place lists.
- New quick action added after long-pressing the app icon on the Home Screen: Search.
- Various details have been improved.
- Bus route data has been updated.
v2023.10 - 2023.5.4
- 修復了天氣卡片有時會奇怪的自動關閉並返回城市列表的問題。
- 增加搜尋記錄的功能,會記錄搜尋地點的時候,曾經設爲出發點的地方,方便下次直接再次設爲出發點。
- 完善戲院模式的使用體驗。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- Fixed the issue where the weather sheet would sometimes close unexpectedly and go back to the city list.
- Added a search history feature that records locations previously set as the Departure Point when searching, making it convenient to set them as the Departure Point again next time.
- Perfect the user experience for the cinema mode.
- Updated bus route data.
v2023.9 - 2023.4.29
Perfect the user experience for weather and cinema modes.
v2023.8 - 2023.4.28
- 現在可以通過搜尋任何地點來設爲出發點。(以前只能在地圖上長按才能設爲出發點。)
- 新增香港戲院的功能,同時在列表和地圖上顯示全香港所有電影院,快速找到離你最近的幾間。
- 更新巴士路線資料。
- Now you can set any location as the Departure Point by searching for it. (Previously, you could only set the Departure Point by long-pressing on the map.)
- Added the feature of Hong Kong cinemas, displaying all cinemas in Hong Kong on both the list and map, making it easy to find the ones closest to you.
- Updated bus route data.
v2023.7 - 2023.4.20
可以長按Home Screen的app icon,選擇「巴士」或「天氣」直接跳到相應頁面。
"This is the Place" has integrated "Four Seasons" and now has access to its global weather function. You can now view saved or searched cities on a 3D globe and flip it to select a city and view its weather forecast.
You can touch and hold the app icon on the Home Screen and select "Bus" or "Weather" to directly access the corresponding page.
Updated bus route data.
Bug fixes.
v2023.6 - 2023.4.4
- Updated bus route data
- Bug fixes
v2023.5 - 2023.3.22
- Updated bus route data
- Minor changes
v2023.4 - 2023.2.28
- 更新深色模式的顏色
- 增加如何探索直達目的地的說明
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Updated the colors of dark mode
- Added instructions on how to explore direct destinations
- Updated bus route data
v2023.3 - 2023.2.9
- 路線中除附近之外的所有站都可以添加下車提示
- 更新巴士路線資料
- All stops on a route that are not nearby can set a get-off alert
- Updated bus route data
v2023.2 - 2023.2.2
- 在搜尋結果顯示路線出發站,方便區分特別班次。
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 細節更新
- Show the departure stop in the search result to make it easy to distinguish special departures.
- Updated bus route data
- Minor changes
v2023.1 - 2023.1.9
- Updated bus route data
- Bug fixes and minor changes
v2022.20 - 2022.12.20
- 更新巴士路線資料
- 預設收到落車提示的距離從600米改爲700米
- Updated bus route data
- Changed the default distance to receive the get-off alert from 600m to 700m
v2022.19 - 2022.12.1
- Improved support for using in landscape mode.
- Updated bus route data
v2022.18 - 2022.11.11
- 在地圖上指示你面對的方向
- 優化使用體驗,包括卡片的拉動,高度,滾動等。
- 更新巴士路線資料
- Indicate the direction you are facing on the map
- Optimized user experience, including the bottom sheet pulling, height, and scrolling.
- Updated bus route data
v2022.17 - 2022.10.29
- 更新巴士路線資料。覆蓋全港所有551條綠色專線小巴的路線和到站時間。
- Updated bus route data. Covering all of the 551 routes and arrival times of the green minibus in Hong Kong.
v2022.16 - 2022.10.18
v2022.15 - 2022.10.17
- 新增小工具(Widget),看收藏的站和到站時間。方便你在Home screen快速打開收藏的站,或直接在小工具看到站時間(進階版功能)。由於系統限制,小工具上的到站時間約15分鐘更新一次。
- 眾多細節改進
- 錯誤修復
- 更新最新巴士路線資料
- New widget to see arrival times of your favorite stop. Quickly open the favorite stop from Home Screen, or directly see the arrival times in the widget (premium feature). Due to system limitations, arrival times on the widget are updated about every 15 minutes.
- Many little improvements
- Bug fixes
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.14 - 2022.9.27
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.13 - 2022.9.21
- 可更換app圖示
- 界面改善和問題修復
- 停止支援iOS 13
- 更新最新巴士路線資料
- Can change app icon
- UI improvements and bug fixes
- Drop iOS 13 support
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.12 - 2022.9.13
- Support iOS 16
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.11 - 2022.9.9
- Update to the latest bus route data
- UI improvements and bug fixes
v2022.10 - 2022.9.5
- 新增港鐵巴士的路線和時間
- 改善路線搜尋結果的排序
- 更新最新巴士路線資料
- 優化內存佔用
- 錯誤修正
- Added MTR Bus routes and times
- Improved sorting of route search results
- Update to the latest bus route data
- Optimized memory usage
- Bug fixes
v2022.9 - 2022.8.29
- 更新最新巴士路線資料
- 增加外觀設定:跟隨系統變化,或者固定使用light mode或dark mode
- 非訂閲用户會看到來自Google AdMob的廣告
- Update to the latest bus route data
- Add appearance setting: follow the system changes, or always use light mode or dark mode
- Non-subscribers will see ads from Google AdMob
v2022.8 - 2022.8.22
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.7 - 2022.8.15
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.6 - 2022.8.10
- You can set how many meters in advance to notify you to get off the bus.
v2022.5 - 2022.8.8
- 更新最新巴士路線資料,包括城巴新路線976A(8月8日開辦)
- 在iPhone上搜尋路線編號時,搜索框在鍵盤上面,方便操作。
- 其它界面改善和問題修復
- 添加Google Analytics
- Update to the latest bus route data, including Citybus's new route 976A (launches on 8 August)
- When searching for route numbers on the iPhone, the search box is above the keyboard for easy operation.
- Other UI improvements and bug fixes
- Add Google Analytics
v2022.4 - 2022.8.1
- Update to the latest bus route data
v2022.3 - 2022.7.29
- 支持用"thisistheplace://"的URL來打開app。
- Add support for the URL scheme "thisistheplace://" to open the app.
v2022.2 - 2022.7.28
- 更新最新巴士路線數據
- 收藏界面:在地圖上更改出發點後,卡片如果在最底部,會升上來到中間,且列表會滾動到最頂部,看最近的站點。
- Update to the latest bus route data
- Favorites screen: After you change the departure point on the map, the bottom sheet will rise to the middle if it is at the bottom, and the list will scroll to the top to see the nearest stop.
v2022.1 - 2022.7.25
上架App Store。
First day on the App Store.